Els sots feréstecs

Title: Els sots feréstecs.
Publisher: Lapislàtzuli editorial.
Author: Raimon Casellas.
Prologue: Juli Gutiérrez Deulofeu.
Illustrations: Cesc Pujol.
Pages: 176.
Size: 14 x 21 cm.
ISBN: 978-84-949751-2-7.


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A priest arrives in the lands of Puiggraciós to rebuild the hermitage that has been overthrown by the weight of time. What awaits him there is the apathy, suspicion and evil thoughts of the inhabitants of these regions.
“Els sots feréstecs” is pure Modernism. The magic of the forest with all its creatures, the vivid colours and indefinable forms of Nature and the eternal, weary struggle between good and evil permeate the plot of this essential novel.
The work of Raimon Casellas symbolises the emergence of literary modernism and his tragic death represents the death of this autochthonous and brilliant movement on the part of the noucentista currents. This meant a return to the classical ideology and, therefore, to the most absolute order and boredom.

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