Tocar el món

Title: Tocar el món.
Publisher: Lapislàtzuli editorial.
Author: Norbert Bilbeny.
Design: Tura Sanz.
No. pages: 132.
Format: 14 x 21 cm.
ISBN: 978-84-943707-93.
Colour pages with 16 paintings inserted at the end of the book.


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Picasso said that art is a lie that allows us to tell the truth. Art gives us the necessary distance to talk about life and things, it allows us to express ourselves in many ways, to interpret reality.
“Tocar el món” is an informal approach to painting, a short and juicy treatise through light, an investigation of beauty.
Professor Norbert Bilbeny approaches this essay on painting from positions far removed from clichés and established artistic criticism, interrelating pictorial art with philosophy, literature and music, bringing us closer to the craft of painting and revealing how the great creators of history have tried to touch the world.

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