El museo imparable (Relentless museum)

Title: El museo imparable. Sobre Institucionalidad Genuina Y Blanda (Relentless museum. On Genuine and Soft Institutionality).
Publisher: Metales pesados.
Author: Roc Laseca.
Year of publication: 2015.
Nº of pages: 94.
Binding: Softcover.
ISBN: 9789568415778.


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As the author points out, this book is composed of five small essays and guided throughout by the hypothesis that “there is a new museum typology, a liberated (and liberal) monster that moves comfortably in what we could call the turn between a genuine institutionality and a soft one. It is something like the confirmation of an anonymous and generic place in which we have decided to live in order to agree on progressive aesthetics and policies in order to be competent in the face of the demands of the globalization of consumption where the image has been relegated to its cosmetic and instrumental condition. […] Thus, this Relentless Museum seems to have emerged as the precise device for carrying out a titanic task charged with a paradox: to exhibit in order to blind, to offer everything publicly in order to reduce the teleological programme of modernity to the economic and manageable cataloguing of the new, de-ideologized museum man and to put the world at a distance in order to try to stop the siege of phenomena in favour of the survival of the devices that represent them.” This book is a necessary and urgent contribution to the current debate.

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