En busca de aquel sonido (In Search of that Sound)

Title: En busca de aquel sonido (In Search of that Sound)
Editorial: Malpaso
Author: Ennio Morricone.
Number of pages: 544.
Size: 14 x 21 cm.


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What is music? What is its purpose? Does it still make sense to study music today? Morricone’s stories and reflections that emerge from the conversation with his disciple and confidant, Alessandro de Rosa, raise these questions for us. Life and work converge in a kind of score that allows us to contextualize and understand some of the great paradoxes and contradictions of our time. Talking to Morricone invites us to reflect on the past, present and future of music. No less fascinating is the chronicle of his encounters with personalities such as Sergio Leone, Pasolini, Fellini, Scola, Bertolucci, Clint Eastwood, Tarantino, Brian de Palma and Oliver Stone. In addition, he gives us a tour around his production outside the cinema that he defines as ‘absolute music’. Premio Princesa de Asturias de las artes 2020 Awarded.

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