Del cero al infinito (From zero to infinity)

Title: Del cero al infinito. Escritos de arte y lucha (From zero to infinity. Writings on art and struggle).
Publisher: Metales pesados.
Author: Rasheed Araeen.
Year of publication: 2019.
Nº of pages: 150.
Binding: Softcover.
ISBN: 9789569843815.


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In recent decades, creative and artistic practices from underrepresented areas of the world have been significantly incorporated or assimilated into global culture. Many celebrate this inclusion, arguing that it is mainly due to the market phenomenon and the internationalization of art. However, a substantial part of this process of gradual incorporation is the result of a long struggle to generate a critical intellectual discourse that incorporates the visibility of art and cultures from other parts of the world, in a scenario where the vision and hegemony of a few Western countries prevails. The progressive inclusion of other views and discourses has required, and still demands, combative postures. It is a struggle that is not only waged in the field of the visual arts, but also in the intellectual field against a banal, aseptic and detached from reality academic practice. For more than fifty years, Rasheed Araeen, along with his artistic work, became an international referent of this rebellion against the establishment. Del cero al infinito escritos de arte y lucha compiles -for the first time in Spanish- a selection of texts by the London-based Pakistani artist Rasheed Araeen.

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