Proyectar mundos. Una teoría política del diseño (Projecting worlds. A political theory of design)

Title: Proyectar mundos. Una teoría política del diseño
Publisher: Metales pesados.
Author: Friedrich Von Borries.
Year of publication: 2019.
Number of pages: 114.
ISBN: 9789569843723.


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Proyectar mundos (projecting worlds) is a manifesto that foregrounds the importance that design has had in recent decades in the adaptation and development of the individual self, societies, and civilization, beyond the classic conception which retains the discipline within the merely decorative or functional sphere of the object overlooking its cultural, economic and political repercussions. A practice that does not attend to such an impact points out Friedrich von Borries, ends up validating the logic of power and domination. In the face of the need to rethink design from a political perspective, von Borries proposes a practice that promotes new forms of coexistence and self-realization of individuals outside the coercive mechanisms of societies of suggestion.

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