Bartlebooth is a publishing and research platform that examines contemporary space practice, founded in 2013 and currently developed by Antonio Giráldez López and Pablo Ibáñez Ferrera.
Bartlebooth has been exhibited and recognized in different spaces and contexts. In 2019 he received the Publications Award of the Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism BIAU. In 2018 he was awarded a prize at the Research Exhibition of the XIV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, was one of 24 projects selected at the Arquia Forum/Next ‘Relevant Practices’, where he received the Arquia/Innova Prize, and was part of the Spanish Pavilion exhibition at the 16th Venice Biennial. The same year he was one of the projects selected by the Future Architecture Platform , exhibiting his work at the MAO Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana (Slovenia). Its latest publications, Beyond the Human, Protocols and The Production, have been selected for the FAD Awards for Thought and Criticism in 2016 and 2019, respectively. The project has taken part in exhibitions and fairs such as Libros Mutantes Madrid Art Book Fair at La Casa Encendida (Madrid, 2016- 2019), Autoedit I and II at Centro Huarte (Huarte, 2015 and 2016) or Fiebre Photobook 2015 ‘Do it with others’ at Centro Centro (Madrid).