Más allá de lo humano (Beyond the human)

Title: Más allá de lo humano (Beyond the human)
Editorial: Bartlebooth
Authors: Timothy Morton, Gabriel Ruiz-Larrea, Paulo Tavares, Takk (Mireia Luzárraga + Alejandro Muiño) and Miguel Mesa del Castillo, Fernando Cremades, Catia Faria, The Extrapolation Factory (Chris Woebken and Elliot P. Montgomery), Husos, Stephen Graham, Institute of Human Obsolescence (Manuel Beltrán) and Víctor M. Sanz.
Number of pages: 252.
Size: 148x210mm.
Printing on 275 grs. graphic cardboard in silver ink. Printing in 2 inks on Coral Ivory Book offset paper 90 grs.


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A journey that goes from the ecosystem transformations in the tropical forests to the architectures of the data centers, from the creation of new minerals due to radiation to architectures with more than human users and from the agricultural logistic infrastructures to the new unions around the digital platforms. Conversations, projects, research and theoretical texts that seek to escape nostalgia and understand and expand the issues around the question of the non-human, and how this will affect architectural practice by expanding the look to an infinite spectrum of spatial possibilities beyond the human.

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