Curaduría de Latinoamérica. 20 entrevistas a quienes cambiaron el arte contemporáneo (Vol. II) (Curatorship of Latin America. 20 interviews with those who changed contemporary art (Vol. II))

Title: Curaduría de Latinoamérica. 20 entrevistas a quienes cambiaron el arte contemporáneo (Vol. II) (Curatorship of Latin America. 20 interviews with those who changed contemporary art (Vol. II))
Editorial: Cendeac.
Author: Juan José Santos.
Year: 2020.
Format: 412 p.


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A second volume was needed to include the exhibitions and curators that have changed the course of artistic practice, from research and production to reception. Curatorship of Latin America is the result of several years of study and analysis of the main exhibitions of contemporary art through an introductory essay and a dialogue with those responsible for each exhibition. These exhibitions, although dedicated to Latin American art, have set the pace at the international level, being in many cases more creative, deeper, more inspiring or more precise than the more media-oriented productions devised by and for the hegemonic center.

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