3 eras

Title: 3 Eras.
Publisher: Metales Pesados.
Author: José Luis Brea.
Publishing year: 2019.
Nº of pages: 194.
ISBN: 9789566048138.


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This book, in its bilingual edition, has been the only unpublished work until now of José Luis Brea. It is a script and it emerges from the its cinematic version “The three eras of the image. The film by María Virginia Jaua and José Luis Brea includes visual and sound images, the participation of the author and some thinkers such as Jean-Luc Nancy and Jacques Rancière. Today this film sees life through the printed word.

As a scriptit is a double essayist work. On the one handit is an essay of the ideas thought, written, said; and, on the other handit is an essay of the form these ideas take on the screen.

The result is a rare text in the overview of theoretical production on visuality in Spanish. A work that, as José Luis Brea points outinvites us to take on that certain emancipatory character that comes from knowing historical work, to recover that which in its origin remained as an unfulfilled promise, not because it was utopian or untimely, but because it was always about to fulfill its advent, and which always marks the longed for moment of a new starting point.

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