Miralda Madeinusa (cat)

Title: Miralda Madeinusa (cat).
Publisher: Macba.
Author: Various authors.
Year of publication: 2016.
Pages: 252.
Size: 20 x 31 cm.
Illustrations: 630.
ISBN (cat): 978-84-92505-82-1.


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With a career spanning five decades, Antoni Miralda (Terrassa, Spain, 1942) has turned something as universal as food into a creative universe. Miralda has developed a method based on participation and on the ritual and ceremony related to gastronomy. Employing a non-conformist language, baroque and full of humour, that celebrates the senses and brings art close to life; he undertakes an ethnological exploration of human behaviour in his work.

The exhibition MIRALDA MADEINUSA brings together all the projects of the artist linked to the United States. Curated by Vicent Todolí and produced by MACBA, the exhibition will run from 20 October 2016 to April 2017 in Barcelona.

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