Marclay: Compositions

Title: Marclay: Compositions.
Publisher: Macba.
Author: Various authors.
Year of publication: 2019.
Pages: 296.
Size: 33 × 24 cm.
Illustrations: 179.
ISBN: 978-84-17593-06-3.


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This publication explores the work of the acclaimed Swiss-American artist Christian Marclay (1955), presenting a selection of works focusing on his sound compositions, from graphic scores to video installations. In this artist’s book, he shows the relationship between sound and vision, exploring the ways that sound can be made visually manifest. As the artist himself has said: ‘music runs through almost everything I do’.

It includes essays by the critic Erika Balsom, the curator Tanya Barson and the writer Tom McCarthy. Trilingual edition (Catalan, Spanish, English).

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