Una carta para Adam Nankervis

Title: Una carta para Adam Nankervis.
Publisher: Alias.
Author: David Medalla.
Language: Spanish.
Size: 14 x 21 cm.
Pages: 88.
Binding: Softcover.
Printing: One-ink.
ISBN: 978-607-7985-09-9.


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This book contains an evocative letter that David Medalla wrote to Adam Nankervis during his stay in Mexico in 2000. In it he narrates a nocturnal encounter with the shadows and ghosts that congregate in an old church in the center of the city.

David Medalla is a pioneer of land art, kinetic art, participatory art and performance; his work has often challenged categorizations. Nomadism, collaborative processes, and political-spiritual beliefs underpin his work and affirm his lifestyle as an artistic profession. Medal was admitted at age 12 to Columbia University in New York, on the recommendation of poet Mark van Doren. In Paris, in 1960, the philosopher Gaston Bachelard introduced the first performance of Medal at the Raymond Duncan Academy. Years later, the poet Louis Aragon would present it as well. Marcel Duchamp made for him the Sculpture Medal. David Medalla, edited the Signals Newsbulletin in London; initiated the group The Exploding Galaxy, an international confluence of multimedia artists; was president of Artists for Democracy and director of the Fitzrovia Cultural Centre in London; and in 1994 founded the Mondrian Fan Club in New York, with Adam Nankervis as vice president. All of this adds up to multiple international exhibitions and a prolific artistic production, sustained to this day.

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