El movimiento estridentista

Title: El movimiento estridentista.
Publisher: Alias.
Author: Germán List Arzubide.
Language: Spanish.
Size: 21.1 x 14.8 cm.
Pages: 200.
Binding: Softcover.
Printing: two- and three- ink.
ISBN: 978-607-7985-29-7.


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This facsimile edition recovers El movimiento estridentista first published in 1926 by Ediciones Horizonte, the movement’s press in Xalapa. It also includes the core essay El estridentismo: México 1921-1927 written in 1985 by Luis Mario Schneider.
“Manuel Maples Arce’s incendiary manifesto, Actual No. 1 [December, 1921], established the avant-garde movement known as Estridentismo. Unlike the Futurists, whose project required the total destruction of the past and the rejection of Italian traditions, the Stridentists avoided nihilism and walked the thin line between post-revolutionary reconstruction and transformative innovation.
German List Arzubide’s El movimiento estridentista is a retrospective written the year before the movement ended. In it, the author recounts various historical events and fantastic lucubrations in an episodic manner, but with a poorly defined chronology that brings him closer to the inner monologue; he evokes the enthusiasm and possibilities, the provocations and the controversies inherent to the movement.
Like the Russian avant-garde, Stridentism remained tied to notions of progress and utopia despite its provocative rhetoric. While the movement maintained an anti-academic stance, the Stridentists never doubted the redemptive power of art and firmly believed that it could promote reform and social progress.
-Lynda Klich

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