Mi libro es su libro (My book is your book)

Title: Mi libro es su libro (My book is your book)
Editorial: Alias.
Author: Lawrence Weiner.
Language: Spanish.
Dimensions: 14 x 21 cm.
Number of pages: 128.
Binding: Paperback.
Printing: One ink.
ISBN: 978-607-7985-28-0.


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Lawrence Weiner was born in the Bronx, New York, in 1942. He is a central figure in the conceptual art of the late sixties. He wrote Statements, his first book, in 1968, a small compilation of texts describing projects and instructions for the reader, which is considered one of the first texts of the conceptual movement. His work often consists of texts that resort to semantic and grammatical games; linguistic installations on walls have been his main medium. He has also ventured into video, film, sculpture, performance, sound art and graphic design.

Alias gives his public a title that places us in front of the bases of Lawrence Weiner’s thought. Mi Libro es su libro is a compilation of writings, pieces and interviews translated into Spanish by various artists. The cover of this edition was designed by Weiner himself, who also selected the title of the book, which paraphrases a well-known piece of his from the eighties, entitled Mi casa es su casa.

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