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El imperativo estético (The aesthetic imperative)

Title: El imperativo estético (The aesthetic imperative)
Editorial: AKAL
Author: Peter Sloterdijk.
Number of pages: 432.
Size: 14 x 21,5cm.


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A book that can perfectly be considered as the aesthetic canon of Peter Sloterdijk. In this book, Peter Sloterdijk touches all modern genres of the arts, from music to architecture, from the use of light to the living arts, from design to typography. He travels through all fields of the visible and the invisible, the audible and the inaudible, in a historical arc that extends from Antiquity to Hollywood. When he applies his particular method of distancing himself from discourse to the contemplation of works and artistic genres, the objects described are suddenly shown in a different light, and with his alert and combative sense of the present he leads us far, far away from the beaten paths of artistic commentary.

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