Un centro de arte

Title: Un centro de arte
Authors: David Armengol and Martí Manen
Publisher: Consonni
Size: 120 x 195 mm
272 pages
Edition: 2015
Design: Arte Chido
ISBN: 978-84-16205-09-7


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An art center, thinking about an art center as a possibility. During the 2014 exhibition season, David Armengol and Martí Manen tested a live art center after winning a call to be responsible for the program of a space in definition called Fabra i Coats Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona. An exhibition program needs a communication system, an educational project and tools for its management. Armengol and Manen reacted to the needs and desires of a context to offer a grammar around art, text and the possibility of connection.

This book explains the process, the decision making process and the insights into that specific moment. It is also an archive of activities, exhibitions, contact with artists and other institutions, never forgetting the people who visited this art center.

Layers of reading that bifurcate, that expand, that are defined live. Layers of reading between generations, between contexts, between languages, between times, between ways of understanding the artistic and the literary. And so the stories and narratives of El texto: principios y salidas emerge.


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