Desde lo curatorial. Conversaciones, experiencias y afectos

Title: Desde lo curatorial. Conversaciones, experiencias y afectos
Authors: Ángel Calvo Ulloa y Juan Canela
Publisher: Consonni
Size: 200 x 130 mm
288 pages
Edition: 2020
Design: Maite Zabaleta
Mock-up: Zuriñe de Langarika Samaniego
ISBN: 978-84-16205-61-5


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Desde lo curatorial reflects on curatorship in the Spanish state, slightly touching on the Latin American context. From a position close to the ways of doing, the writing here moves away from established truths and closed structures. The intention is not to make a historical review or establish a fixed taxonomy, but to suggest possibilities, strategies, tactics and practices for the uncertain terrain of the contemporary, maintaining an organic and porous vision of curatorship.

Curators Angel Calvo Ulloa and Juan Canela talk with other professionals about art and political-social issues that go through their work: working conditions, family conciliation, relations with artists, multi-dependence, institutional formulas, market, evolution of the exhibition format or how phenomena such as the 8M or the COVID-19 crisis affect and are faced. Through the voices of several generations we perceive an amalgam of curatorial practice in these early years of the 21st century: Martí Manen, Gabriel Pérez Barreiro, Chus Martínez, Manuela Moscoso, Agustín Pérez Rubio, Catalina Lozano, Aimar Arriola, Pablo Lafuente, Tamara Díaz Bringas, Nuria Enguita, Beatriz Herráez, Peio Aguirre, David Barro, Manuel Segade, Anna Manubens, Jesús Alcaide, Eva González-Sancho Bodero, Julia Morandeira, Tania Pardo, Elvira Dyangani Ose and Valentín Roma. And between these exchanges, small capsules are inserted in which the authors share their experiences and talk with the ideas, experiences and affections that overfly the dialogues.

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