Si pierdo la memoria/If I Lose Memory

Title: Si pierdo la memoria/If I Lose Memory
Author: Corina Matamoros
Publisher: Turner
Size: 16 × 24 cm
Nº pages: 304
Language: Spanish & English
ISBN: 978-84-17866-30-3


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The work of twenty of the most relevant artists in Cuba today in a critical analysis.

As a result of her curatorial experience of almost forty years, Corina Matamoros writes in these incisive essays on some of the recent work of twenty outstanding contemporary Cuban artists.

The selected artists, born between the fifties and seventies of the 20th century, renewed the island’s art with their proposals. Their contributions to the plastic and visual arts through their creative work, and in some cases also through their teaching, led them to achieve national and international recognition.

Using a contextual methodology, the author describes and analyses their works, situates them in their artistic, social and cultural context, and reflects on their meanings and objectives. At the same time, she outlines the characteristics and changes in Cuban art in recent times.

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