Nuevas derivas (New drifts)

Title: Nuevas derivas (New drifts).
Publisher: Metales pesados.
Author: Jacopo Crivelli Visconti.
Year of publication: 2016.
Number of pages: 192.
ISBN: 9789568415938.


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For more than fifty years, the term “drift” has been associated with the role it acquired in the Situationist sphere, linked to a social and political commitment that still characterizes the bulk of the works in which the act of walking is a central component. Based on extensive research of Latin American and international artistic production of the last five decades, Jacopo Crivelli Visconti traces connections between works created in different periods and contexts, seeking to highlight some common characteristics of the different drifts and at the same time putting them in dialogue with some tendencies of art in general – such as the one that aims at the dematerialization of the work or the so-called “relational aesthetics”, among others. In this way, Nuevas derivas (New drifts) recognizes unequivocally the close link between “the revolution and the act of walking, something that the word ‘” movement” itself, in the highly symbolic crossing of its various meanings, already makes explicit”.

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