Pensar la imagen

Title: Pensar la imagen
Author: Emmanuel Alloa
Publisher: Metales pesados
Nº pages: 250
Edition: 2020
ISBN: 9789566048220


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Pensar la imagen is the first book in a series of essays by authors from different countries and traditions, dedicated to problematising visuality in its various forms. Atoms, cells, galaxies, fossils, posters, memes, banknotes, mathematical formulae, chemical compounds and a long etcetera are studied (thought) today alongside paintings, films, photographs, performances, sketches and a long etcetera. This phenomenon runs through Pensar la imagen, a book that will surely become an inescapable tool not only for those concerned with the place of the image, but also for anyone interested in contemporary culture. If the so-called visual (or iconic) turn is such, subsuming, not annulling, the linguistic turn, this is because it is not, in principle, related so much to the proliferation of images or to the society of the spectacle, but to the fact that images themselves are forcing various disciplines and fields of research to ask questions about them.

The heterogeneity of the objects and gazes that have been selected here can only confirm the fact that the image is as undisciplined as it is undisciplined, and that is precisely what this book gives food for thought. Articles by: Gottfried Boehm; Marie-José Mondzain; Jean-Luc Nancy; Emanuele Coccia; Emmanuel Alloa; Hans Belting; Horst Bredekamp; W.J.T. Mitchell; Jacques Rancière; Georges Didi-Huberman.


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