CARE, cuidar importa

Title: CARE, cuidar importa
Author: Ana Álvarez Errecalde
Size: 30 cm x 23 cm
Nº pages: 144
Edition: 2020
City of edition: Barcelona
ISBN: 978-84-09-25509-2


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“We come into life in need of love and support and will most likely need it again in our last stage. Throughout our existence, there are many times when the collaboration of the environment becomes essential. Care is not part of the vulnerability of life; care is life, because it is within this context that we establish the relationships that define us”. Ana Álvarez-Errecalde / book CARE, cuidar importa.

CARE, cuidar importa is a photographic essay that offers an urgent response to the cultural imaginary that portrays disability and dependence through ridicule, caricature and mockery.

The book interpellates multiple areas such as the arts, psychology, sociology, health, philosophy, economics, history and gender. By giving visibility to different life experiences based on and sustained by care, it gives relevance to the task of caring and questions an essential and invisible activity in different spheres of life. CARE, cuidar importa seeks to reverse the connotation of dependence as marginality, punishment or consequence of what has been done, incarnation of evil”.

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