En lo profundo de un oído (Deep into the ear)

Title: En lo profundo de un oído (Deep into the ear).
Editorial: Metales pesados.
Author: Peter Szendy.
Year of publication: 2015.
Number of pages: 126.
ISBN: 9789568415815.


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En lo profundo de un oído (Deep into the ear) is a collection of essays which question a habit of traditional thought: to ignore its own trajectories and rhythms, to turn a deaf ear to the multiplicity of voices that percuss it. To read, think and listen would lead us to attend to the unexpected corners of a labyrinth which opens up many questions, not only for philosophy but also for music, cinema or theatre. These texts inhabit the interstitial and polluted spaces across which image and sound are distributed, and where the relationship between the senses is the result of the misalignment of all image and sound. The depth of this hearing would not only be that of a supposed “auditory turn”; it would be an intensification of listening, one that is never sure of itself when it deepens and digs its way in.

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