Del lunes en un año ( A Year from Monday)

Title: Del lunes en un año ( A Year from Monday)
Publisher: Alias.
Author: John cage.
Language: Spanish.
Number of pages: 212.
Binding: Paperback.
ISBN: 9786077985259.


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One Saturday in 1966, six people meet at a small restaurant in Newburgh on the banks of the Hudson River in New York City. Among them, the American composer John Cage, the poet and essayist Octavio Paz, the great architect Buckminster Fuller and other characters of the time. As they eat, the conversation leads them to promise to meet again in Mexico. Paz perspicaciously proposes a plan: “of this Monday that follows, in one year”.
“This book is so rich in ideas relevant to all kinds of philosophical, social and artistic initiatives that I doubt very much that any intelligent and broad-minded person would not feel challenged by this compendium of provocative aphorisms, intellectual nonsense and formulations so original that they would certainly make sense to many and not be coherent to others”. – Richard Kostelanetz

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