Abismos temporales: Feminismo, estéticas travestis y teoría queer (Time chasms: Feminism, transvestite aesthetics and queer theory)

Title: Abismos temporales: Feminismo, estéticas travestis y teoría queer (Time chasms: Feminism, transvestite aesthetics and queer theory).
Editorial: Metales pesados.
Author: Nelly Richard.
No. of pages: 226.
Binding: Soft cover.
Year of publication: 2018.
ISBN: 9789569843631.


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Nelly Richard’s Time Chasms is an urgent and necessary book in the current context of redefining bodiessexes, and genders driven by feminism. Her reflections and recommendations range from the First Congress of Women’s Literature in 1987, through the risky readings of the transvestite contortions of the years of dictatorship and transition, to the resistances of today with a queer theory that addresses rather uneasily the dissident bodies of the South. N. Richard moves as a “transvestite of the academy” between politics of memory, feminist theory, visual arts, and cultural criticism, always writing against the structures of disciplinary tradition. Her passion for essayism defends this genre as a possibility of expression that probes, conjecturesexposes her creative processes with a poetics that escapes the majority language. To read this book which explores time without fixing it is to find critical density as a weapon, writing as an articulating axis, the trench of mistrust of the established order as an anarcho-baroque politics.


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