A contrapelo. Textos de arte no-oficial en Polonia (1960-1989) (Against the grain. Unofficial Art texts in Poland (1960-1989))

Title: A contrapelo. Textos de arte no-oficial en Polonia (1960-1989) (Against the grain. Unofficial art texts in Poland (1960-1989)).
Editorial: Metales pesados.
Author: AAVV.
Number of pages: 182.
Format: Soft cover.
ISBN: 9789569843488.


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As a first translation into Spanish, A contrapelo (Against the gran) offers a repertoire of symptoms, positions and directions that allow us to visualize a historical-political overview of the art scene in communist Poland, from which a series of unofficial artistic practices were situated based on the virulence of its theoretical-artistic work, between gesture and militancy. Manifestos, reflections and essays by artists and collectives that somehow permeate other writing practices (poetry, narrative), in addition to their creative work as visual artists: the thickness of those voices unarticulated for the regime crystallizes the complexity of a non-official Polish art which, in contrast to the institutional logics of the field and the epistemological and aesthetic assumptions on which the definition of art rests, is defined in the search for an intermediate place – one from which the interruption and transformation of the continuum of history is also possible. A way of conceiving and doing art, towards a political -and therefore non-politicised- definition of art.

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