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No te va a querer todo el mundo (Not everyone will love you)

Title: No te va a querer todo el mundo (Not everyone will love you)
Editorial: Malpaso
Author: Isabel Coixet.
Number of pages: 225.
Size: 14×21 cm.


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Availability: In stock

These texts by Isabel Coixet are a map of the interests, concerns, hobbies and passions of the filmmaker. In them she reflects on her travels, politics, movies, books, music and, in short, life. Isabel Coixet shares her recommendations on what films to watch, what books to read, what music to listen to. In these pages we find Isabel Coixet talking about life, friendship, prizes, nationalism, feminism, her films… they are the accurate and intelligent glimpses of all the possible Isabel Coixet: committed, funny, curious, cultured, fragile.

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