El Plástico, the Sun that lives inside the Rock

Title: El Plástico, the Sun that lives inside the Rock
Authors: Goda Budvytytė and Viktorija Rybakova
Publisher: Bom Dia Books
Nº pages: 70 + insert
Size: 22 x 27 cm
Edition: 2021
City of edition: Berlín
ISBN: 978-3-96436-020-5


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This publication El Plástico, the Sun that lives inside the Rock is an observation on evolution of material plasticity, it is a story about plastic whose native land is Mesoamerica. It explores the past, present and future of plastic through encounters with various people — a weaver from Oaxaca, a taxi driver, a sociologist working on trash collection in Mexico City and the owner of a small family-run plastic factory. The book contains a polymorphous project resulting from several years of research by artist Viktorija Rybakova and designer Goda Budvytytė, it also includes a conversation between philosophers Kristupas Sabolius and Catherine Malabou, and essays by Post Brothers and Chris Fitzpatrick.


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