On Working And Then Not Working / Autoeclipse

Title: On Working And Then Not Working / Autoeclipse
Author: Armando Andrade Tudela
Publisher: Bom Dia Books
Nº pages: 208
Size: 20 ×  28 cm
Edition: 2021
City of edition: Berlin
ISBN: 978-3-96436-018-2


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On Working And Then Not Working / Autoeclipse is published on the occasion of two solo shows by the artist Armando Andrade Tudela: On Working And Then Not Working at CRAC Alsace, France (June 14–September 16, 2018) and Autoeclipse at Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Spain (February 24–September 15, 2019). An in-between space between the exhibitions, the catalogue features extensive documentation accompanied by collages of the artist’s evolving works as well as new essays by the show’s curators, Elfi Turpin and Daniel Steegmann Mangrané.


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