Falsa conciencia (False consciousness)

Title: Falsa conciencia. Ensayos sobre la industria del arte
Publisher: Metales pesados.
Author: Claudio Iglesias.
Number of pages: 190.
Year of publication: 2014.
ISBN: 9789568415662.


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The long hours spent researching, writing forms and applicationssearching for professional contacts in crowded environments, project review sessions in educational settings, image presentations, interviews, wasted free time, guilt feelings, and uncertainty associated with creative labor markets are somehow the processes that satisfied images leave in suspense. A few decades ago it was difficult to imagine that the life of artists could be homologated with a succession of scenes of this kind. The changes that took place in the artistic environment as a sphere of work and which ended up distorting the general meaning of the concept of art, did not happen overnight. The concern of this book is not bound to the domains of exclusivity, nor does it even belong completely to the realm of art. Its deployment exceeds the field of visual arts in many ways. With lucidity and forcefulness, Claudio Iglesias maps out here a route into this particular phenomenon.

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