Ante la imagen. Pregunta formulada a los fines de una historia del arte (In face of the image. Question asked at the end of an art history)

Title: Ante la imagen. Pregunta formulada a los fines de una historia del arte (In face of the image. Question asked at the end of an art history)
Publisher: Cendeac.
Author: Georges Didi-Huberman.
Year: 2010.
Size: 15 × 23 × 2,5 cm;
Number of pages: 356.
Binding: Soft cover.
ISBN: 978-84-96898-69-1


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This book forces us to rethink many of the certainties that we have in the face of images that we not only see with our eyes, but also embrace with processes of knowledge and with the category of thought. Where do these categories come from? Is the question that Georges Didi-Huberman asks in the history of art. A question that requires us to unravel the discursive models used so far by this discipline. Based on the premises planted by Vasari, Panofsky or Freud, Didi-Huberman develops a renewed notion of the visual that gives way to what he calls a principle of uncertainty, that is, an obligation of the gaze to non-knowledge.

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