FPN - Fons perdut de núvols

Title: Fons perdut de núvols
Artist: Andrés Galeano
Artist book
Edition: 2021
Size: 185 x 135 x 30 mm
Design: Andrea Nicolò
Text: Andrés Galeano, Alexandra Laudo, Josep Batlló & Martí Llorens
Numbered edition of 150 copies in each CAT/ESP/ENG
ISBN: 978-84-09-30523-0


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According to Andrés Galeano, photography operates in a similar way to clouds: it connects the Earth with the celestial, channels the human desire for transcendence, their will to project and ascend, and produces images that aspire to represent a meaning and depth that transcends worldly life. Galeano, who identifies his artistic practice as post-photography and manifests his work in publications, installations, photographic collages, videos and performances, has been interested in exploring these connections between photography and the celestial for years, with a special interest in how the photographic medium has analysed these two elements. – Alexandra Laudo.

Fons perdut de núvols archive then starts from the first SMC (Servei Meteorological of Catalonia, 1921–1939) to undertake an investigation for different Catalan archives following the lead of their protago-nists: the patron and passionate meteorologist Rafael Patxot i Jubert, the photographer Josep Pons i Girbau, the Campo family living at the Fabra Observatory in Barcelona and the first director of the SMC, Eduard Fontser..

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