Temporada de plomo

Title: Temporada de plomo
Author: David Ayala-Alfonso (Editor)
Publisher: Temblores Ediciones
Texts: David Ayala-Alfonso, Mauro Giaconi, Sol Henaro & David Miranda
Size: 21 x 28 cm
Nº pages: 159
Edition: 2020
City of edition: Mexico City
ISBN: 978-2-940524-34-1


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Temporada de plomo is the first comprehensive monographic catalogue of the Argentinean artist Mauro Giaconi. Through a review of his last ten years of work, the texts presented here address the multidisciplinary nature that characterises the artist’s oeuvre. Taking drawing as a starting point, his artistic practice questions the current socio-political context in Latin America through a sense of impermanence, the presence of the body and a critical awareness of matter. This monograph has been produced with the support of Galería Arróniz.


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