Entre el mueble y el inmueble (entre una roca y un lugar sólido) – Between the Furniture and the Building (Between a Rock and a Hard Place)
Title: Entre el mueble y el inmueble (entre una roca y un lugar sólido) – Between the Furniture and the Building (Between a Rock and a Hard Place)
Editorial: Alias.
Author: Jimmie Durham.
Language: Spanish.
Dimensions: 14 x 21 cm.
Number of pages: 104.
Binding: Paperback.
Printing: two inks.
ISBN: 978-999-0194-93-7.
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Jimmie Durham was born in 1940 in the United States. A long-time member of the American Indian Movement and director of the UN’s International Indian Treaty Council, he has been active as a writer, editor and activist in various international arts initiatives. In 1998, Durham was a DAAD (Deutscher Aka-de-mischer Austausch Dienst) scholar in Berlin. Since his return to Europe in 1994, Durham’s work has focused primarily on the relationship between architecture and monumental and nationalist narratives. He received the Günther-Peill Award in 2003, the Robert Rauschenberg Prize from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts in 2017, and the Golden Lion from the 58th Venice Biennale for his artistic career in 2019. Entre el mueble y el inmueble (entre una roca y un lugar sólido) is the Spanish translation of a text published on the occasion of the author’s exhibition entitled Jimmie Durham, Between the Furniture and the Building (Between a Rock and a Hard Place), Berlin, 1998. The book, published in two colours, is illustrated with drawings and photographs of the artist’s work.