
Title: Portobello
Authors: Patrícia Almeida (photographs), Ian Jeffrey y David-Alexandre Guéniot (texts)
Publisher: Ghost Editions
Nº pages: 194
Size: 22,5 x 18 cm
Edition: 2009
City of edition: Lisbon
ISBN: 978-989-20-1461-6
53 color photographs


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Portobello deals with the phenomenon of summer tourism and the iconographic imaginary associated with it. It questions the notion of ‘place branding’, based on marketing techniques, where a space is designed to be experienced and consumed over the course of a few days. Thus, Portobello presents itself as an exotic territory on the threshold of fiction, a land simultaneously real and fabricated, the possible version of a theme park built according to the aspirations and stereotypes of the cultural imaginary of advanced capitalism.

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