Un sereno al cementiri de l’art – Vicenç Altaió

Title: Un sereno al cementiri de l’art – Vicenç Altaió.
Publisher: Edicions Poncianes.
Author: Vicenç Altaió.
ISBN: 978-84-615-2494-5.
Language: Catalan.
Pages: 354.
Year: 2011.


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“Un sereno al cementiri de l’art” is the first book of essays published by Edicions Poncianes. The author’s proposal approaches the theory of the art of literature with a philosophical, cryptic and at the same time reflective language. The volume gives voice to Vicenç’s dialogue with those who were some of the determining figures of the artistic revolution of the 20th century. From Noucentisme to post-structuralism, he stops at the first and second avant-gardes, he goes through them and sees how the baton was passed from one to the other. After “Dau al Set” Zush, Jaar and Galdón take the vision. We find the greats of the plastic arts, Dalí, Miró, Caldero, among others, accompanied by the masters of the poetic revolt of the word, Eugeni de Ors, J.V. Foix and Joan Brossa. Interviews with Antoni Tàpies, Arnau Puig, Pere Portabella, Alber Ràfols-Casamada, Alfredo Jaar, Hannah Collins, Jordi Colomer and Jaume Josa close the volume.

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