Lina Bo Bardi por escrito: textos escogidos 1943-1991 (Lina Bo Bardi in writing: selected texts 1943-1991)

Title: Lina Bo Bardi por escrito: textos escogidos 1943-1991 (Lina Bo Bardi in writing: selected texts 1943-1991)
Editorial: Alias.
Author: Lina Bo Bardi.
Language: Spanish.
Dimensions: 14 x 21 cm.
Number of pages: 258.
Binding: Paperback.
Printing: One ink.
ISBN: 978-607-7985-20-4.


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The architect Lina Bo Bardi [Rome, 1914-São Paulo, 1992], was part of the resistance against the German occupation during World War II, worked in Milan with Giò Ponti, and directed the magazine Domus. In 1946, married to Pietro Maria Bardi, she settled in São Paulo, Brazil. Her diversified activity, which involved theater, cinema, cultural production, heritage preservation, magazine publishing, museum organization, graphic and furniture design, was based on the search for Brazilian roots. It projected the residence of the Bardi couple (1949), the MASP (1957) and the SESC Leisure Center (1977). In Salvador, she designed and directed the Museum of Modern Art (1959), and participated in the project of urban preservation of its historical center.
This book reveals the extraordinary capacity that the Italian-Brazilian architect had to transform her creative universe into words. Published in magazines such as Lo Stile, Grazia, Domus and A- Cultura del a Vita and in newspapers such as Habitat and Diário de Notícias de Salvador, the 33 articles gathered here point out and propose new concepts for topics such as housing, furniture, popular art, museology, restoration, education and cultural policies. The texts are illustrated with original drawings, photographs, graphic works and designs used for the publication of their texts.

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