Ver como feminista

Title: Ver como feminista
Author: Nivedita Menon
Publisher: Consonni
Size: 215 x 139 mm
256 pages
Edition: 2020
Language: Spanish
Cover Image: Anita Dube
Translation: Tamara Tenenbaum
Design: Rosa Llop
ISBN: 978-84-16205-57-8


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“Nivedita Menon combines a highly complex conceptualisation of feminist theories and practices with a lucid and wonderfully engaging writing style. She frames the debates within a deep understanding of broader socio-cultural processes and reveals the interface at which the two planes interact.” –Tanika Sarkar

Incisive, eclectic and politically engaged, Ver como feminista is a bold and wide-ranging book.
For writer Nivedita Menon, feminism is not about a final triumph over patriarchy, but a gradual transformation of the social sphere that is decisive for old structures and ideas to change forever.

This book reclaims the world through a feminist lens, between the concrete experience of domination over women in India and the grand challenges of global feminism. From accusations of sexual harassment against internationally renowned figures to the challenge to feminism posed by caste politics, from the banning of the veil in France to the attempt to make skirts compulsory for women players in international badminton competitions, from queer politics to domestic workers’ unions to the Pink Chaddi campaign, Menon deftly shows the ways in which feminism complexifies and definitively alters every field of contemporary society.

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