Teignmouth Electron

Title: Teignmouth Electron.
Editorial: Alias.
Author: Tacita Dean.
Language: Spanish.
Number of pages: 104.
Dimensions: 21 x 14 cm.
Binding: Paperback.
ISBN: 9786077985112.


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Tacita Dean (Canterbury, England, 1965) was trained as a painter. Today she works with a variety of media including drawing, photography and sound, although she is best known for her 16 and 35mm films. Dean’s work seeks connections between past and present, reality and fiction. She creates maps of both the objective and private worlds and traces the complex interaction between the two.
Fascinated by the sea as a motif, Dean employs it in her works associated with the sublime; its elemental force represents human emotions: turbulent and unmanageable. Particularly moved by the tragic story of Donald Crowhurst – who attempted to sail solo and non-stop around the world on board the Teignmouth Electron – she conducted the research contained in this book, in which she explores her personal involvement in Crowhurst’s journey and captures his thoughts, feelings and ideas alongside images of the ship made in Caiman Brac.
Originally published by Bookworks in England, the Alias edition accompanies the cover of each copy with a fragment of the 16 mm film in which the artist filmed the Teignmouth Electron, the protagonist of this story.

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