
Title: Pomelo
Author: Yoko Ono
Publisher: Alias
Size: 14 x 21.5 cm
Nº pages: 296
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-607-7985-35-8


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Yoko Ono (Tokyo, Japan, 1933) began her artistic practice in Japan in the early 1950s. Her first approach to art was closely linked to the Gutai group, one of the most important art collectives of the post-war period, particularly focused on performance, happening and installation. On moving to New York in 1952, Ono joined Fluxus, a movement founded by George Maciunas that sought to generate new art forms centred on action and the active participation of the public. In the early 1960s Ono produced several performances, such as the famous Cut Piece (1964). In the same year, his famous book, Grapefruit, was published by Wunternaum Press in Tokyo.

This book is presented as a series of instructions that invite us to disengage, through contemplation, from a world alienated by consumption and the frenetic production of information and merchandise. In this piece, in which Ono explores the relationship between art and life through everyday phenomena, stopping to observe and/or listen becomes an artistic experience in itself.

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