Políticas de lo sensible. Líneas románticas y crítica cultural (Policies of the sensible. Romantic Guidelines and Cultural Critique)

Title: Políticas de lo sensible. Líneas románticas y crítica cultural (Policies of the sensible. Romantic Guidelines and Cultural Critique)
Editorial : AKAL
Author: Alberto Santamaría.
Number of pages: 432.
Size: 14 x 22cm.


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Culture is not a thin skin that we can separate, when it suits us best, from our daily economic and political activities. On the contrary, its core is mobile, ungraspable, and always tinged by the social transformations that take place around it and on which its strength and existence depend. However, it would also be a mistake to reduce all culture to a simple reflex expression of economic and political life. Neoliberal cultural activism and the most orthopedic Marxism have been handled, sometimes astutely, in these spaces of disconnection and depletion of the cultural. This book analyzes this horizon taking as an axis the tools of romanticism and the thrust of cultural critique.

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