Para los pájaros (For the birds) – John Cage

Title: Para los pájaros (For the birds)
Editorial: Alias.
Author: John Cage.
Language: Spanish.
Dimensions: 14 x 21 cm.
Number of pages: 320.
Binding: Paperback.
Printing: One ink.
ISBN: 978-999-0196-83-2.


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Alias presents Para los pájaros (For the Birds), a work that brings together the conversations held by John Cage and Daniel Charles in the 1970s. In these pages – originally brought to you in Spanish by Monte Ávila Editores – you will also find the Sixty answers to thirty-three questions published for the first time in 1968, on the occasion of the conferences that the Revue d’esthétiques dedicated to the so-called “new music”. In the preface, Daniel Charles, begins: “End of 1976: Para los pájaros is in press. Like five years ago, I have the impression that these texts constitute a multiple and unique gloss on Chuang-Tsú. In any case, my questions were only intended to make evident what I will call, to be brief, John Cage’s Taoism.”

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