Metodologías de los estudios visuales. Una introducción a la investigación con materiales visuales (Methodologies of visual studies. An introduction to the research with visual materials)

Title: Metodologías de los estudios visuales. Una introducción a la investigación con materiales visuales (Methodologies of visual studies. An introduction to the research with visual materials)
Editorial: Cendeac.
Author: Gillian Rose.
Year: 2019.
Format: 657 p.
ISBN: 9788415556671.


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This captivating book reflects that our culture becomes understandable through numerous visual representations and that we need methodologies to interpret the abundance of visual stimuli that surround us. Rose shows that there is no single path of interpretation of visual representations, but that a variety of principles can be employed, and she handles precisely semiotics, psychoanalysis, discourse analysis and content analysis. Her work is centered on three questions: why is it important to consider visual images? why is it important to be critical of these images? and why is it important to be interested in that critique? Against the background of these questions, Rose offers with her book an overview of visual methodology, and an introduction to the history of an emerging field of research.

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