Matices del arte en América Latina

Title: Matices del arte en América Latina
Author: Andrea Hinteregger De Mayo
Publisher: Turner
Size: 14.8 × 21 cm
Nº pages: 152
Language: Spanish / English
ISBN: 978-84-17866-03-7


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A portrait of the richness of contemporary Latin American art through its creations.

Andrea Hinteregger De Mayo wonders whether there is such a thing as Latin American art. This leads her to study the cultural diversity of countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Honduras, Mexico and Peru.

Through sixteen exhibitions featuring 44 Latin American artists, produced between 2010 and 2016, Hinteregger De Mayo offers an overview of the complexity of the contemporary art they represent.

The book has a dozen texts by the author that accompany the selection of works from the exhibitions presented. These are complemented by others by Lisa Blackmore, PhD in Latin American Cultural Studies, the curators Clarissa Diniz and Pablo León de la Barra, the artist Teresa Margolles and the advisor and art historian Muriel Pérez.

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