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How is the public sphere constructed through artistic practices?
Title: ¿Cómo construyen las prácticas artísticas esfera pública?
Size: 222 x 18 x 144 mm
176 pages
Edition: 2016
Type: Catalogue
Language: Castellano / Inglés
Design: Eider Corral
ISBN: 978-84-16205-21-9
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Rather than adjectivizing and delimiting artistic practices as “public”, in line with the notion of “public art”, here we propose to operate on the more diffuse concept of “public sphere”. This broadens and scatters the gaze on the operation, which art makes possible, of analysis and representation of common issues. LaPublika moves between the folds of the public, the private, the common, the intimate, the square, the white cube, the political, the institutional, the conflicts, the democratic, the sound, the images, the stories, the discourse, the conversation, the dialogue, the whisper, the shout, the rustle and many other nouns that come and go.
This publication gathers documentation from the LaPublika project, an artistic research laboratory on the public sphere. Directed by the art production and publishing company Consonni, co-produced by Donostia / San Sebastian 2016 and Tabakalera, with the collaboration and support of multiple organizations, institutions and accomplices.