El origen de la obra de arte

Title: El origen de la obra de arte
Author: Martin Heidegger
Publisher: La Oficina
Translation: Helena Cortés & Arturo Leyte
Prologue: Arturo Leyte
Format: 15 x 21 cm
Nº pages: 160
ISBN 978-84-944401-1-3


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This new version implicitly addresses the debate on art and on Heidegger himself, taking into account the work of translators over the last twenty years. In response to the new demands and in the search for greater precision to make it easier for the reader to read the original, we wanted this new version to be bilingual. This makes evident not only the value and limits of the translation, but also the author’s own expression, which is so important in this case. The edition also includes three images that show the three “works of art” (painting – the visual -, architecture – the plastic – and poetry – the verbal) around which the whole discourse of the work revolves.

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