Compartir el mundo (Sharing the world)
Title: Compartir el mundo. La experiencia de las mujeres y el arte (Sharing the world. The experience of women and art).
Publisher: Metales Pesados.
Author: María Laura Rosa and Soledad Novoa Donoso.
Year of publication: 2017.
Nº of pages: 212.
ISBN: 978-956-9843-39-6.
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In different Global South countries, gender studies and feminist theory analysis have been steadily growing since 1990. This has led to the recovery of archives and research on women artists who, although they have worked or are still working professionally, have been excluded or marginalized from the accounts of the continent’s art history, which have often appealed to the idea of the exceptional figure for the historical inclusion of a few. In these pages, readers will find new perspectives on the arts of the 19th and 20th centuries in Argentina, Brazil and Chile, which report on neglected artists, thus seeking to problematize the traditional way of writing art histories. Likewise, the book establishes a connection with Mexico, an important precedent in this area for our region. In Compartir el mundo. La experiencia de las mujeres y el arte (Sharing the World. The Experience of Women and Art) we propose different, more inclusive, views on our artistic stories.