ARCO – Una historia de arte y de mercado

Title: ARCO – Una historia de arte y de mercado.
Publisher: Pombo Editora.
Author: Nacho Ruiz.
City: Murcia.
Year: 2021.
Size: 11 x 16 x 1,2 cm.
ISBN: 978-84-09-27526-7.


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ARCO is the acronym for Contemporary Art and stands for the fair that has been held annually in Madrid since 1982. As simple as a Wikipedia entry, as complex as the history of the art market and also of art in Spain. To really know what ARCO means we would have to start far back, generating a theoretical basis that facilitates the understanding of the process by which a work of art passes into the hands of a collector, the essence of the work as an object that is both symbolic and an object of change or the socio-economic context in which everything has taken place from the perspective of the 40 years of the fair.

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