Ritter Sweet Soft

Title: Bitter Sweet Soft
Author: Bernat Millet
Publisher: Self-published
Size: 20 x 30 cm
Nº pages: 144
Texts: Jorge Molinero
ISBN: 978-84-120387-0-5


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The resilience of the Saharawi people. This project focuses its gaze on everyday life, in a story of the intimate, where the pillar of the family sustains some fields whose inhabitants live their lives in a waiting time. In this inhospitable place, real and metaphorical desert, hopes sprout. Its inhabitants rise up to rebel against the condemnation of oblivion, against the unlived days, against desolation. They shout, with a harsh voice, that there is still strength left to keep on fighting.

Bernat Millet (Barcelona, 1986) has a degree in photography from Middlesex University (London) and a Master’s degree in documentary photography from Mid Sweden University (Sweden). Millet uses the large format camera as a working tool to make a critical search of the dehumanization of society. His artistic quest leads him to look for the essence behind human struggle and resilience, making us look people forgotten by society directly in the eye through his portrait. He contemplates scenarios of transformation that have changed rapidly in recent years due to a human development that excludes the ecosystem established by nature.


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