Mataró Chauffeur Service

Author: Martí Anson / Latitudes
Publisher: Save As… Publications
Date: January 2011
Language: Catalan / Spanish / English
Format: 15 x 21 cm
Pages: 64 pages.
ISBN: 978–84–936956–9–9


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This publication is the guide to the fleet of luxury vehicles “Mataró Chauffeur Service” founded by the artist. It includes the history of the company, the graphic identity of the only vehicle in the fleet and the route of its first service.

The first service carried out by the company took place in May 2010 with the transfer of the two members of the Latitudes curatorial office from Barcelona to London to participate in the festival No Soul for Sale: A Festival of Independents at the Tate Modern in London. The trip took place through Mataró and Santander and included a ferry ride to the port of Portsmouth, and from there on to the final destination: London.

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